
Showing 1-9 of 9
Thesis or Dissertation
Roddar, Linnea, and Isabela da Luz. "The dimensions of flooding in the Mekong delta: A struggle in a changing climate." Bachelor, Linneuniversity, 2010.
Journal Article
Warenius, Linnéa, Karen Pettersson, Eva Nissen, Bengt Hojer, Petronella Chishimba, and Elisabeth Faxelid. "Vulnerability and sexual and reproductive health among Zambian secondary school students." Culture, health & sexuality 9, no. 5 (2007): 533-544.
Brody, Linnea, Debbie Bradshaw, David Bourne, and Ria Laubscher. Western Cape Province Mortality 1997 – 2002: Analysis of empirical cause of death data collected by Statistics South Africa from death notifications. Cape Town, South Africa: South African Medical Research Council, 2007.
Journal Article
Wlokas, Holle Linnea. "What contribution does the installation of solar water heaters make towards the alleviation of energy poverty in South Africa." Journal of Energy in southern africa 22, no. 2 (2011): 27-39.
Thesis or Dissertation
Berling, Ludvig, Alexander Palm, and Linnea Sahlin. "Designing minimum-cost recycling collection points with required throughput: A Minor Field Study in Lusaka, Zambia." Student thesis (degree of Bachelor, 2012.
Journal Article
Bartlett, Linda, Amnesty LeFevre, Linnea Zimmerman, Sayed Ataullah Saeedzai, Sabera Torkamani, Weeda Zabih, Hannah Tappis, Stan Becker, Peter Winch, Marge Koblinsky, and others. "Progress and inequities in maternal mortality in Afghanistan (RAMOS-II): a retrospective observational study." The Lancet Global Health 5, no. 5 (2017): e545-e555.
Showing 1-9 of 9